Coaching employees and private clients

In coaching, Dr von der Bey has specialised in coaching in the business sector. He works with people in organisations, but also with people who want to develop their professional skills outside the organisational context.

Coaching in organisations

Coaching is a professional partnership that aims to make people more successful. Coaching does not give ready-made answers; instead, these answers are developed jointly according to the individual situation. Coaching is a process in which the coach helps the client to develop their full potential using tried-and-tested techniques.

We ascertain the exact current situation, define positive goals together and develop individual solutions to ensure your success in the long term. In the process, I champion you with all my energy. Thanks to my background as a successful manager and international consultant I have specialised in business coaching. I work with directors/managing directors, managers and employees from all sectors. Leadership issues, strategic positioning, personal development and career steps are examples of key themes. However, coaching takes a systematic approach and is geared to the whole person and their environment, not just selected aspects. I will always help you with your development as a whole person.

Coaching is an indispensable element in the development of managers and employees.

Targeted coaching saves organisations time and money, speeds up employee development many times over, increases motivation and efficiency. Coaching is also effective in resolving blockages and conflicts. As a coach, I work with employees on clear objectives, which we put into practice in our meetings. As a coach, I enjoy a high degree of trust. I provide a view from the outside and can be at employees’ side in their challenges. I offer individual and group coaching. This may also involve leadership issues, personal development, conflicts in teams or optimising efficiency. In principle: you determine where you want to go and I will get you to your destination. Thanks to my international background, I also understand intercultural and international environments.

Coaching for private clients

In addition to coaching people in organisations, I also offer coaching to private clients. Ever more people are recognising that goals can be achieved more quickly, easily and consistently if you have an experienced sparring partner at your side. It is not just in sport that top performances are inconceivable without coaching. Even though I have specialised in coaching in the business context, I am convinced that a coach who has mastered his subject can work on any challenge. Just like an excellent pianist can play on any piano. Like playing the piano, coaching is a skill that is learned. I therefore accept coaching commissions from other contexts. I love the challenge of supporting a wide variety of people on their path to success. That is my passion. I live for coaching and my clients. Here, too, I enjoy working with people from all over the world.

Training Courses for private clients

In addition to coaching, I also offer targeted training courses and workshops on selected subjects to private clients. The focus in coaching is on the ability to develop your own solutions with the support of the coach. By contrast, in my training and consulting offerings, I train specific knowledge and develop essential skills for your success. In these formats, I act as a consultant, teach innovative concepts and offer specific proposals to solve your issues. The aim of the training and consulting is to quickly make you a champion in a specific field.

  • Leadership Basics
  • Advanced Leadership
  • Intercultural Skills
  • Time Management
  • Application Training
  • Conducting Negotiations


For consulting and training courses for organisations, please look under the heading Consulting.